姓 名: |
张明义 |
性 别: |
男 |
专家类别: |
博士生导师/杰出青年 |
学 历: |
博士 |
电 话: |
0931-4967261 |
传 真: |
无 |
电子邮件: |
myzhang@lzb.ac.cn |
个人主页: |
无 |
邮政编码: |
730000 |
通讯地址: |
甘肃省兰州市东岗西路320号 |
Mingyi Zhang, Jianguo Lu, Yuanming Lai1, Xiyin Zhang, 2018. Variation of the thermal conductivity of a silty clay during a freezing-thawing process, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 124, 1059-1067.
Mingyi Zhang, Jun Bi, Wenwu Chen, Xiyin Zhang, Jianguo Lu, 2018. Evaluation of calculation models for the thermal conductivity of soils, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 94, 14-23.
Mingyi Zhang, Wansheng Pei, Shuangyang Li, Jianguo Lu, Long Jin, 2017. Experimental and numerical analyses of the thermo-mechanical stability of an embankment with shady and sunny slopes in a permafrost region, Applied Thermal Engineering, 127, 1478–1487.
Mingyi Zhang, Xiyin Zhang, Xiangtian Xu, Jianguo Lu, Wansheng Pei, Zean Xiao, 2017. Water–heat migration and frost-heave behavior of a saturated silty clay with a water supply. Experimental Heat Transfer, 30(6), 517-529.
Mingyi Zhang, Xiyin Zhang, Shuangyang Li, Jianguo Lu, Wansheng Pei, 2017. Effect of temperature gradients on the frost heave of a saturated silty clay with a water supply. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 31(4), 04017011-1-04017011-11.
Mingyi Zhang, Wansheng Pei, Yuanming Lai, Fujun Niu, Shuangyang Li, 2017. Numerical study of the thermal characteristics of a shallow tunnel section with a two-phase closed thermosyphon group in a permafrost region under climate warming. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 104: 952-963.
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Qingbai Wu, Qihao Yu, Tao Zhao, Wansheng Pei, Jianming Zhang, 2016. A full-scale field experiment to evaluate the cooling performance of a novel composite embankment in permafrost regions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 95, 1047-1056.
Mingyi Zhang, Xiyin Zhang, Shuangyang Li, Daoyong Wu, Wansheng Pei, Yuanming Lai, 2015. Evaluating the cooling performance of crushed-rock interlayer embankments with unperforated and perforated ventilation ducts in permafrost regions. Energy, 93: 874-881.
Mingyi Zhang, Wansheng Pei, Xiyin Zhang, Jianguo Lu, 2015. Lateral thermal disturbance of embankments in the permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor. Natural Hazards, 78: 2121–2142.
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Wansheng Pei, Long Jin, 2014. Effect of inclination angle on the heat transfer performance of a two-phase closed thermosyphon under low-temperature conditions. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 28,04014007-1-04014007-11.
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Yuanhong Dong, Long Jin, Wansheng Pei, Jon Harbor, 2013. Laboratory investigation of the heat transfer characteristics of a two-phase closed thermosyphon. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 95, 67-73.
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Dongqing Li, Wu Chen, Gangqiang Tong, 2013. Experimental study on ventilation characteristics of a concrete-sphere layer and a crushed-rock layer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 59, 407-413. (SCI)
Mingyi Zhang, Ki-Hong Min, Qingbai Wu, Jianming Zhang, Jon Harbor, 2012. A new method to determine the upper boundary condition for a permafrost thermal model: an example from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 23(4), 301-311. (SCI)
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Dongqing Li, Gangqiang Tong, Jingbo Li, 2012. Numerical analysis for thermal characteristics of cinderblock interlayer embankments in permafrost regions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 36, 252-259. (SCI)
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Jianming Zhang, Zhizhong Sun, 2011. Numerical study on cooling characteristics of two-phase closed thermosyphon embankment in permafrost regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 65 (2), 203-210.
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Yuanhong Dong, 2010. Three-dimensional nonlinear analysis for the cooling characteristics of crushed-rock interlayer embankment with ventilated duct along the Qinghai-Tibet Expressway in permafrost regions. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 24(4), 126–141. (SCI)
17. Zhang Mingyi, Cheng Guodong, Li Shuangyang, 2009. Numerical study on the influence of geometrical parameters on natural convection cooling effect of the crushed-rock revetment. Science in China Series E, 52 (2), 539-545. (SCI)
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Yuanhong Dong, Shuangyang Li, 2008. Laboratory investigation on cooling effect of duct-ventilated embankment with a chimney in permafrost regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 54(2), 115-119.
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Wenbing Yu, Zhijun Huang, 2007. Experimental study on influence of particle size on cooling effect of crushed-rock layer under closed and open tops. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 48(3), 232-238.
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Jianming Zhang, Shuangyang Li, 2006. Experimental and numerical investigation on temperature characteristics of in-cuts roadbed in Qinghai-Tibetan railway. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 46(2), 113-124.
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Shuangyang Li, Shujuan Zhang, 2006. Laboratory investigation on cooling effect of sloped crushed-rock revetment in permafrost regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 46 (1), 27-35.
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Fujun Niu, Shusheng He, 2006. A numerical model of the coupled heat transfer for duct-ventilated embankment under wind action in cold regions and its application. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 45 (2), 103-113.
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Zhihua Gao, Wenbing Yu, 2006. Influence of boundary conditions on the cooling effect of crushed-rock embankment in permafrost regions of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 44(3), 225-239.
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Wenbing Yu, Jilin Qi, 2006. Laboratory investigation of the heat transfer characteristics of a trapezoidal crushed-rock layer under impermeable and permeable boundaries. Experimental Heat Transfer, 19(4), 251-264.
Mingyi Zhang, Yuanming Lai, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhihua Gao, 2005. Nonlinear analysis for the cooling effect of Qinghai-Tibetan railway embankment with different structures in permafrost regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 42(3), 237-249.
Mingyi Zhang, Jianming Zhang, Yuanming Lai, 2005. Numerical analysis for critical height of railway embankment in permafrost regions of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 41(2), 111-120.
1. 国家杰出青年科学基金项目:冻土与寒区工程(41825015),项目负责人
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:多年冻土区热管路基耦合传热模型及其结构优化研究(41471063),项目负责人
3. 中国科学院西部行动计划项目:寒区道路工程稳定性及病害防治技术研究(KZCX2-XB3-19),课题负责人